Monday, 24 February 2014


We have decided that in our two minute opening we want to create a very eery feel that would usually be found in a psychological thriller, using music. To do so, we have chosen Frank Sinatra's 'My Funny Valentine' because classical music will (hopefully) create the feel that we are going for and make the taxi driver seem a bit more creepy and keep the viewer on edge…

Sunday, 23 February 2014


After researching into the BBFC and how they rate films with an age certificate to ensure they are being viewed by people of appropriate age I have decided to rate our film on the information provided. Due to the fact that as a feature length film our opening would contain scenes of a violent and sexual nature as is it is based on a taxi driving serial killer it would therefore not be appropriate for viewing under the age of 15. The reason for this is that the scenes that would be in the film if it was to be a full feature length film would be very graphic and not appropriate for the certificate of 12A or 12 as the BBFC guidelines suggest that a dark and unsettling tone with strong language is not appropriate for this age, which our film would definitely contain.

Therefore, from my research our film would only be only fitting to viewers over the age of 15 even though this will then not appeal to as large a demographic as a 12 or 12A certificate may have.

The reason I do not think it is necessary for our film to be rated with an 18 certificate is because it wouldn't contain most of the key issues that the BBFC deem only appropriate for adult viewers, for example, frequently strong language. As a result of my research on the BBFC, if our film opening were to be made into a feature length film it would be rated appropriately at a certificate of 15, as it fits into this guideline best, still keeping a wide range of viewers and an appropriate demographic.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Brief & Inspiration

Our final idea is based on an interpretation we formed from being shown a clip from the film "Bone Collector" by Miss Foster. It starts with shots switching from a normal taxi driver saying typical phrases that a taxi driver would say to a customer, for example, "alright love, where would you like to go?" and shots of the taxi that make the driver look like a normal family man i.e. a family photo. The taxi then pulls off into a secluded area and the driver leaves the taxi whilst saying "won't be a minute, love" and it is then revealed that there is in fact nobody in the back of the cab. The final shot will be of the boot of the taxi and a voice shouting "let me out". This is the clip which gave us our inspiration: