Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Change Of Idea, Again...

 After some unsuccessful days of filming and many discussions with each other and Miss Foster, we have decided that our previous idea is not, once again, the type of film opening we want to produce. When brainstorming ideas we decided that Emily's Dad's taxi is something we want to base our idea on as we believe that it is unique and hasn't been done before, unlike many of our other ideas. This idea is definitely our strongest idea yet and we think we have finally found our final idea. We are using Emily's Dad, Paul, and his taxi, to create a film opening based on a serial killing taxi driver...

Monday, 13 January 2014

Filming: Day One

This explains everything that happened during our first day of filming, including being asked to leave the station due to not having filming permission. We will now have to book an appointment to film in Liverpool Street station to continue our filming, and until then begin filming the different shots of landmarks around London.


Sunday, 12 January 2014


This is the scene from the film 'Friends With Benefits' that inspired our idea to film in the train station. Our idea is not really similar to this clip but this is where the idea evolved from.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Filming Landmarks In London

These are some of the landmarks that we plan to film in London for the flashing images at the beginning of our two minute film opening.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Our New Idea

After much discussion, many heated debates and lots of changing plans, we have finally decided on our final idea.


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Changing Our Idea

Since we began filming for our idea, we decided that the footage we produced was not good enough for what we wanted. Therefore we have decided to change our idea as it was causing us a lot of problems that we didn't consider before hand and they idea was becoming more and more complicated every time we discussed it. We talked about just changing the idea a little bit, but we decided a complete change was needed. We have a few ideas involving things we didn't realise we had access to, i.e. Emily's dad's taxi, and we now just need to chose the best idea.