Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Movie Questionnaire

This is my movie questionnaire in which I interviewed people from different age groups on different aspects of movies and films. This will help me when I come to deciding my final idea for the 2 minute opening sequence with my group. From this video i was able to find out the most popular genre of film for females between many ages was chick flicks, however, for males it was action and adventure films. I also found out what key aspects people of different ages and genders look for in a film and can now apply this to my two minute film opening.

Practice Filming

This is our practice filming video which was really interesting to make as we found out more about our filming equipment, camera angles and camera shots.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Unexpected Pitch

Whilst pitching our idea to my dad, I accidentally told the plot wrong and it turned into a brand new idea...

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

2 Minute Opening Pitch

This is our group pitch for our first idea for our final two minute opening. The idea is not completely final but it will be roughly like this!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Filming and Editing

I recently had my first experiences being in front of the camera and editing when we made our prelim video. We recreated a scene from the popular film Mean Girls, giving it a slight twist, which was really fun to do.
My first experiences of editing were a mixture of good and bad. Good, because we ended up adding effects and music to the prelim and I found using iMovie really interesting, however bad when we thought we had lost all of our footage and the video we had just finished editing, But it was all fine in the end because we had only clicked on the wrong tab and our video and footage was all still there! Overall, I am really enjoying starting to edit videos and I hope ill learn many new effects and tricks on iMovie whilst making our final film.


Prelim Outtakes

When filming our prelim, some things didn't go quite according to plan... so here is our outtakes video!

Mac 4 Prelim

After a LOT of filming and editing, our prelim is finally finished!