Monday, 30 September 2013

First Group Vlog

Oue first group vlog and our first attempt at vlogging as a group which didn't go too well...

Thursday, 26 September 2013

21 Jump Street Opening

Whilst flicking through some of the links on my blog (found below) I came across a website called 'Art Of The Title'. As I was watching some film openings I came across the opening to 21 Jump Street and it grabbed me straight away. I really like the fast pace of the opening and how it mixes comedy with action and crime. The most impressive thing I found was the first couple of seconds before the titles and music start where a selection of images flashed up onto the screen, which I may keep in mind for inspiration when i come to plan my final film opening with my group...

Prelim Research

In order to complete our prelim I needed to find out about some of the key things that had to be included our video which included match on action, the 180 degree rule and shot/reverse shot.

Monday, 23 September 2013

My First Vlog!

This is my first vlog, where I talk a bit about media studies and how im enjoying it so far.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


In Tuesdays lesson we did a storyboard practice on an episode of Luther. Even though I'm a really bad drawer, I thought making storyboards was fun as you get to break down all the different shots and determine the lighting, angle, sound etc. Here is my storyboard:

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Favourite Film

Marley & Me-

Marley & Me is my favourite film because it has the ability to make you laugh and cry, both at once, throughout their journey. I have a labrador so the film gets to me more than it should, but i still love it.

Favourite Male Actor

Daniel Radcliffe-

Daniel Radcliffe is my favourite male actor because he is able to play such an iconic role (Harry Potter) and still continue on to successfully play vastly different characters in both films and plays. He was able to stay humble whilst living the complicated life of a child star, taking on the advice of many of the great actors he has worked with which makes him the performer he is today.

Favourite Female Actor

Jennifer Aniston-

Jennifer Aniston is my favourite female actor because she is in many of my favourite films and I think she is very dedicated to every role she plays. Despite being famously known for her role as Rachel in Friends in her early career, she has been able to establish a strong career besides that role, longer in comparison to some of her cast-mates. Therefore, her dedication to her roles and her long lasting career makes her my favourite female actor!